A truffle revolution comes to Western PA

Robert Chang

Robert Chang, Chief Truffle Officer of American Truffle Co.

Recently, Robert Chang was invited to speak at the annual Gary Lincoff Mushroom Foray. Here’s what the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette printed prior to the event:
Perhaps you didn’t know an American Truffle Revolution exists. But it does, and Robert Chang will attest to it. He is the chief truffle officer of American Truffle Co. who will speak about the truffle revolution at the Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club’s annual Gary Lincoff Mushroom Foray on Saturday in the Rose Barn at North Park in McCandless. His company seeks to improve truffle growing through scientific process. Mr. Chang had his first truffle encounter about 15 years ago during a two-year stint living in Europe. He visited an Italian trattoria in, of all places, the German city of Munich. Truffles were on the menu…read more

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