Ideal Climate Locations to Grow Black Truffles
Suitable Climate Area Map for Black Truffles (Tuber melanosporum)
Where can you grow black truffles? Having a suitable climate is the most important consideration, because that’s one factor you cannot change once you establish the orchard. Combining extensive scientific data on actual truffle production and historical climate data, we have developed the world’s first interactive truffle climate map below. This map is useful to determine whether a location has suitable climate to cultivate the Périgord black truffle, whether you already own land or are looking for guidance on land search.
Each tree logo on the map below denotes a location with suitable climate.
(1) If a location is among a cluster of tree logos but does not actually have a tree logo, chances are that it may have a suitable climate. We have a much more detailed map with more granular data points down to the street level. Please contact us for access to that higher resolution comprehensive map.
(2) The map below does not take into account the effects of climate change. Please contact us for the more detailed version of this map which accounts fully for climate change. Refer to our checklist on why it is critical to consider climate change.