Can I harvest hazelnuts if I use hazelnut trees as hosts for the truffles?

There are a number of reasons you should not plan on profitably harvesting hazelnuts from hazelnut truffle trees: Because the soil conditions that are optimized for truffle production are very different from commercial hazelnut-producing farms, whatever hazelnuts that are produced on truffle trees will unlikely be of high culinary quality. Such truffle-optimized soil conditions include [...]

2024-07-23T16:01:15-07:00January 7th, 2019||

Can I grow other crops between rows of truffle trees?

Yes, with some caution. There are two factors to consider: You should plant crops that do not harbor mycorrhizal species, as they will eventually spread to the truffle trees and compete with truffle production. We can advise you on which crops can be safely planted. Since the soil condition is optimized for truffle production, you [...]

2024-07-23T16:00:04-07:00January 7th, 2019||

Can I grow truffles on my land?

The best land for truffle growing should be free from established trees and have a high pH value. However, even soils with quite low pH levels can be used as long as adequate lime is applied. We have extensive experience with fields with a starting pH sometimes as low as 4.5. We can advise you [...]

2024-07-23T15:58:36-07:00January 7th, 2019||
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