Our technique minimizes, or eliminates the ‘luck-of-the-draw’ effect. Before planting, we ensure a 100% inoculation rate without contamination. This technique is supported by constant biological monitoring, and leads to a truffle harvest in a shorter time frame, in greater numbers with increased reliability. Reasonable orchards are reported to produce 35-80 pounds/acre per year. However, yields for the summer truffle are far higher and some orchards of either species have been reported to produce very large yields. Although there is variation in the performance of individual trees, our unique partnership structure means we care as much about maximizing your yield as you do, and that you can be assured we will proactively and determinedly pursue the highest yields possible with you. In short, we use our considerable scientific data and technique to help you maximize yield. We are confident of our techniques, so much so that we don’t ask to get paid for our ongoing assistance until you produce and start selling truffles.