Dr. Thomas UK Seminar & Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Interview

This coming weekend, I’ll be presenting a truffle seminar and hosting a truffles dinner in Sheffield, England (where I reside with my family). I’m in a celebratory mood as things are ‘hotting up’ here (as much as they can in a cold wet field in October!) with several of our plantations hitting maturity.

On the media front, I spoke with Luxury Lifestyle Magazine. Here’s an excerpt: “Dr Paul Thomas is passionate about truffles. His company has been researching, developing and growing these delicate tubers worldwide in partnership with farmers and landowners for over ten years. Earlier this year he harvested the first cultivated truffle on British soil – a historic moment which was six years in the making…” You can read the entire article here.

And I’m very much looking forward to seeing you all at the sixth annual Napa Truffle Festival in January. We may have a few surprises for you, so you won’t want to miss this one! (Tickets go on sale this month – check the festival website for details.)

More soon!

Dr. Paul Thomas
Chief Scientist
American Truffle Company

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