Growing Black Diamonds In The Napa Valley

Nob Hill Gazette (July) THEN (2008, Munich): A man walks into a restaurant: a young Stanford graduate (Bachelor of Science degree in engineering; Master of Science degree in biology); an Italian bistro. He (let’s call him the techie) orders butter-tossed tagliatelli with black truffles shaved on top. He never had truffles before; it was a [...]

2024-07-25T05:19:41-07:00July 18th, 2014|Truffle News|

7 Tips, Tricks, & Recipes for Cooking With Truffles

Napa's Chef Ken Frank Discusses 7 Tips, Tricks & Recipes for Cooking With Truffles LocalLuxe/San Francisco Guide ... Below are seven truffle tips, tricks, recipes and lies that were unveiled by Ken Frank, Executive Chef/Owner of Michelin Star La Toque restaurant at The Westin Verasa Napa. Chef Frank says he has eaten more truffles than [...]

2024-07-17T02:59:05-07:00July 18th, 2014|Truffle News|

Australia’s Largest-Ever Truffle Weighs 2.5 Pounds

Australia's burgeoning truffle industry dug up its largest-ever specimen earlier this week, in what some are calling a true sign of competition for France's black Périgord truffle industry: The Guardian reports the 1.172 kilogram truffle (roughly 2.5 pounds) was unearthed at New South Wales farm Yelverton Truffles. In a Facebook post documenting the find, Yelverton growers note that "our scales were not large [...]

2024-07-24T04:01:39-07:00July 16th, 2014|Truffle News|

Fake Truffles and “Bad Chefs,” French Growers Flustered

March 2014 “Unscrupulous” French chefs are spraying cheap Chinese truffles with synthetic aromas to make them smell like the more expensive and upmarket Black French variety. According to AFR, French growers are frustrated with chefs that are “doping” truffles from China and the Himalayan foothills, worth €30 ($40) per kilo, to make them look like [...]

2024-07-24T04:03:12-07:00June 5th, 2014|Truffle News|

New Scientific Data on Black Truffles Plus Hunting Desert Truffles

Dr. Paul Thomas [In April], we were in Morocco presenting data at two academic conferences on underground fungi. The first report presented investigates the climatic impact on the distribution of three key truffle species and the second is a large study (343 data points) on the impact of tree growth and development on truffle production. [...]

2024-07-17T03:15:05-07:00May 20th, 2014|Truffle News|

ATC Collaborates with Landowner and Napa County

ATC is investigating the feasibility of truffle cultivation as a form of a riparian buffer that can provide landowners with an agricultural commodity that simultaneously provides an array of ecosystem services... To start, ATC is working with a landowner (Traina Property) on a truffle orchard that is within the Napa River Restoration Oakville to Oak [...]

2018-09-21T14:22:40-07:00March 19th, 2014|Truffle News|

Truffle Dogs Lead the Hunt

A highlight of the recent Napa Truffle Festival were the truffle dog training programs led by the Truffle Dog Company (TDC). Dogs are an integral part of harvesting truffles. There is no better machine to sniff out mature truffles... than the highly sensitive nose and the extreme mobility of a properly trained dog. Just like [...]

2024-07-17T03:15:48-07:00March 19th, 2014|Truffle News|

5th Annual Napa Truffle Festival, January 16-19, 2015

If you missed this year's (fourth annual) Napa Truffle Festival, you'll have an opportunity to join us for the fifth annual in January 2015. Highlights from 2014 included two new signature programs... a Scientific Grower Truffle Cultivation Seminar to provide growers with a detailed technical overview of the science and methodology of truffle cultivation, and [...]

2024-07-25T05:33:29-07:00March 19th, 2014|Truffle News|

Sex and Truffles?

Dr. Paul Thomas explains... Throughout history, the origin and growth of truffles has been subject of many myths and legends. In arid regions, its often been claimed that when lightening hits the ground it causes truffles to form. The Bedouins of the Negev still refer to desert truffles as ‘the thunder fungus’. The Greek physician [...]

2024-07-25T05:37:16-07:00March 19th, 2014|Truffle News|

NEW for 2014: Scientific Grower Truffle Cultivation Seminar

Designed for potential truffle growers, this in-depth session with Robert Chang and Dr. Paul Thomas provides an overview of the science and methodology involved in truffle cultivation (includes buffet lunch and Saturday truffle orchard tour at Sinskey Vineyards). Friday, January 17, 2014 View the full schedule and read more about the festival at

2024-07-24T03:55:40-07:00October 17th, 2013|Truffle News|
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