A Role for Mating Types in Truffles
Despite the traditional focus by truffle cultivation researchers and practitioners on site selection and in-field methodologies, it is a new genetic understanding that represents a new frontier. In 2010 the genome of Tuber melanosporum (black European truffles), the world’s most commercially valuable cultivatable truffle species and the focus of American Truffle Company's ongoing research and [...]
It’s the Season for Truffle Trees…
April and May are very busy months for American Truffle Company as it's inoculation season for new truffle trees that will be shipped to our client partners this winter. Because the process involves rigorous testing and verification before the inoculation, preparation actually starts much earlier, in February. We typically grow truffle trees only to order, [...]
ATC Partners with Feast it Forward
After a very successful collaboration for the fifth annual Napa Truffle Festival, ATC has partnered with Feast it Forward to further promote all things black truffles — from cultivation to culinary, growers to chefs. Led by celebrity host and entertainer Katie Hamilton Shaffer, Feast it Forward is a culinary and wine media network that goes [...]
Dr. Paul Thomas: Truffle Talk with the BBC
There was a time when wild truffles could be found throughout the UK and Europe’s woodlands, but with the eradication of the old forests for building material, firewood and agriculture, most of the wild truffles were eliminated. In fact, today over 95% of all truffle production from France alone comes from cultivated sources. In a [...]
ATC’s Dr. Paul Thomas & FIRST cultivated British truffle
The BBC and other leading news outlets have featured American Truffle Company's (ATC) Chief Scientist Dr. Paul Thomas in perhaps the most significant news in the truffle world in generations: the first commercially farmed truffle using the scientific methods that he developed was just harvested in the UK.
First UK-Farmed Truffle Harvested
By Claire Marshall BBC environment correspondent Dr Paul Thomas believes it will be the start of a whole new industry The first truffle to have been cultivated on UK soil has been harvested from a field in Leicestershire, according to a plant biologist. Dr Paul Thomas planted the fungus on 20 farms and [...]
ATC’s Chief Scientist Dr. Paul Thomas on the BBC
American Truffle Company's partner/chief scientist Dr. Paul Thomas (based in the UK) created the highly rigorous scientific methods for truffle cultivation practiced by ATC. He started six years ago with a planting in the UK and has since had harvests with partner orchards in Spain and Australia. This harvest in the UK is significant because [...]
Ramping Up for Big Planting in North America
Plus, size doesn't matter and other news... Summer is the time for soil amendment for a new truffle orchard, in time for the typical winter planting of truffle trees. We’ve been busy closely collaborating with our newest client partners, one of whom is planting a large orchard in excess of 25 acres. ATC has been [...]