A truffle revolution comes to Western PA

Robert Chang, Chief Truffle Officer of American Truffle Co. Recently, Robert Chang was invited to speak at the annual Gary Lincoff Mushroom Foray. Here’s what the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette printed prior to the event: Perhaps you didn’t know an American Truffle Revolution exists. But it does, and Robert Chang will attest to it. He is the [...]

2024-07-24T04:18:06-07:00September 26th, 2017|Special Interest, Truffle News, Truffle Science|

A Sybaritic & Scientific Experience

Chef Gabriel Kreuther Hamachi foie gras and black truffle mille-feuille The Nantucket News ran this article by Sarah Leah Chase poetically describing the American Truffle Revolution program featured at the Nantucket Culinary Center during the Wine & Food Festival in May: Were I to be asked to rewrite the lyrics to the song, My Favorite Things, [...]

2024-07-17T02:03:45-07:00June 29th, 2017|Events/Activities, Special Interest, Truffle News|

Tarbais Beans, Truffle, & German Butterball Mousseline

We have a long history with Chef Gabriel. In 2010, he was among the first chefs to join us for the inaugural Napa Truffle Festival. In 2015, we posted his recipe for Salsify Soup with Black Truffles - a simple and amazingly delightful truffle dish. So, are you ready for a challenge? This year, Chef [...]

2024-08-15T13:31:59-07:00June 15th, 2017|Recipes/Culinary, Truffle News|

American Truffle Revolution Goes To Nantucket

Denis Toner, founder of the Nantucket Wine & Food Festival; Joe Keller, owner/chef of Company of the Cauldron; Robert Chang, founder American Truffle Company. In May, Robert Chang – through invitation by Camille Broderick of the culinary and wine show, Camille’s Demi-Hour on Nantucket’s NPR – presented The American Truffle Revolution at the Nantucket Culinary Center [...]

2024-07-20T02:24:11-07:00June 5th, 2017|Events/Activities, Truffle News|

Chang, Guest Speaker at 17th Annual WPMC Lincoff Foray

The 17th Annual Gary Lincoff Mushroom Foray, presented by the Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club (WPMC), will be held on Saturday, September 16, featuring walks, presentations, an auction, book signings, a mushroom feast and lectures by guest speakers Gary Lincoff, past- president of the North American Mycological Association (NAMA) and author of the Audubon Society Field [...]

2024-07-17T02:06:40-07:00April 27th, 2017|Events/Activities, Truffle News, Truffle Science|

The American Truffle Revolution in Nantucket

On May 20th, Robert Chang will be presenting a special program at the Nantucket Culinary Center during the Nantucket Wine & Food Festival entitled The American Truffle Revolution. Following is the program description: For the longest time, Americans have savored the coveted truffles harvested in European countries. After generations of unsuccessful cultivation in North America, [...]

2024-07-17T02:08:31-07:00April 7th, 2017|Events/Activities, Truffle News|

C Casa Cooking Demo With CBS Foodie Chap

Who would have thought a cooking demo could be SO MUCH FUN! If you attended the Marketplace at Oxbow Public Market on January 16, you would know what we're talking about. What made it so...special? First, the space at CRU was perfect - complete with overhead projections. Then there was the truffle dish that Catherine [...]

A Start-Up Found the Secret to Farming the Elusive Truffle

The American Truffle Company has a new technique that it says can expand the range of the Perigord truffle in North America, but success is proving costly. By Jim Robbins The New York Times BUSINESS DAY NAPA, Calif. — Gig the truffle dog zigzags with her nose to the ground among hundreds of oak and [...]

2024-07-23T16:33:25-07:00November 25th, 2016|Climate Change, Truffle News|

National Geographic: The Trouble with Truffles

Truffles are the wave of the future...Foodies wax ecstatic over truffles. The late food writer Josh Ozersky described their aroma as “a combination of newly plowed soil, fall rain, burrowing earthworms, and the pungent memory of lost youth and old love affairs.” A few slices shaved over a dish can turn the ordinary into the [...]

Black Truffle Lobster Taco by Master Chef Dean Fearing

Joining our host Chef Ken Frank of La Toque for the 2017 Napa Truffle Festival are three extraordinary master chefs: Chicago’s Matthias Merges of Matthias Restaurant Group, Italy’s Luca Veritti of Met Restaurant in Venice and Dallas' Dean Fearing of Fearing's Restaurant. As a special festival advance, Chef Dean, known as the "Father of Southwestern [...]

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