The American Truffle Revolution Returns to Nantucket

Robert Chang returns to Nantucket for the 22nd annual Nantucket Wine & Food Festival, May 15-19, to present the American Truffle Revolution, an interactive experience that reveals the flavors, gastronomy, history and mystery of black truffles. He’ll also discuss how American Truffle Company has been leading the way in applying cutting edge science to reliably [...]

2024-07-15T03:54:39-07:00March 26th, 2019|Events/Activities, Special Interest, Truffle News|

Huge Early Harvest for South African Truffle Orchard

The monster 380g truffle worth around $900 American Truffle Company's chief scientist, Dr. Paul Thomas, recently reported that one of his Southern African truffle orchards has harvested its first truffles. The site, just 5.5 years old, uses a range of tree host species and the methodology employed by ATC. During the first hunt, a total [...]

How a scientist sniffed out a culinary opportunity

Late one winter afternoon, in a field near Edinburgh, a scientist and a hunter are standing over a springer spaniel, watching it tear furiously at the base of a tree. Every few seconds, the dog ceases its digging, reaches down with its mouth and shakes a clod of earth as if it were a small mammal between its jaws. After a few minutes, the hunter, a retiree called Joyce, raises her hand and makes a circle gesture to the spaniel, Maxwell. “Snuffle,” she says. “Go snuffle the truffle.” And Maxwell takes off, whipping through the trees.

2024-07-17T01:48:50-07:00June 7th, 2018|Climate Change, Special Interest, Truffle News|

Taming the Truffle – Financial Times

A recent article in the UK Financial Times Magazine follows the truffle exploits of Joyce and her dog Maxwell in their truffle orchard near Edinburgh with Dr. Paul Thomas: ...In the field with Joyce and Maxwell is Paul Thomas, a scientist who has made the study of this elusive fungus his life's work, and the [...]

American Truffle Revolution Returns to Nantucket

Robert Chang returns to Nantucket with Michelin starred Chef Gabriel Kreuther with the American Truffle Revolution for the 21st annual Nantucket Wine & Food Festival, May 16-20. Throughout the festival weekend, Robert and Chef Gabriel will be present truffle programs, cooking demos and fabulous truffle dishes. Friday’s program, Robert offers a shortcut to becoming a [...]

2024-07-17T01:59:52-07:00March 26th, 2018|Events/Activities, Special Interest, Truffle News|

A truffle revolution comes to Western PA

Robert Chang, Chief Truffle Officer of American Truffle Co. Recently, Robert Chang was invited to speak at the annual Gary Lincoff Mushroom Foray. Here’s what the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette printed prior to the event: Perhaps you didn’t know an American Truffle Revolution exists. But it does, and Robert Chang will attest to it. He is the [...]

2024-07-24T04:18:06-07:00September 26th, 2017|Special Interest, Truffle News, Truffle Science|

A Sybaritic & Scientific Experience

Chef Gabriel Kreuther Hamachi foie gras and black truffle mille-feuille The Nantucket News ran this article by Sarah Leah Chase poetically describing the American Truffle Revolution program featured at the Nantucket Culinary Center during the Wine & Food Festival in May: Were I to be asked to rewrite the lyrics to the song, My Favorite Things, [...]

2024-07-17T02:03:45-07:00June 29th, 2017|Events/Activities, Special Interest, Truffle News|
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